Website updates
In this barren wasteland, devoid (for now) of any useful content, a few maintenance updates happened.
External resources
The footer notice about this website not tracking its visitors is wrong. While I don’t do any tracking myself, save from server logs, the third-parties serving my static assets do. So instead of coming clean about this in the footer, I decided to bring home all the assets.
Fonts. After I unsuccesfully tried (well into the night) to figure out how to host Google Fonts, I nearly avoided a stroke by bumping into google-fonts-web-helper. This made the whole process painless and I now serve the fonts myself.
Stylesheets. normalize.css now lives here as well along with Font Awesome glyphs.
Images. My profile picture has been loading off Github for years, but no more.
Other changes
- I’ve toyed around a bit with margins, padding and font sizes, making discrete changes that, I think, make for a slightly better reading experience.
- A way to publish my photos is also in the works.